Courtroom Conduct and Courtesy (On Demand)


What you need to know to present yourself, your case and your profession in the best light. This on demand will cover a raft of dos and don’ts on court conduct and will include what you’ve either been too embarrassed to ask about or were not even aware were issues. With judicial and counsel insights and perspectives, this on demand will serve as a timely refresher and update for all litigators.

Who should attend?

All litigators, regardless of the fora in which they appear.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn why the rules of courtroom conduct and courtesy exist.
  • Gain guidance on how to comply with the Conduct and Client Care Rules.
  • Learn about the unwitting (and sometimes grating) errors that are frequently made in court, their impact and how to avoid them.
  • Gain insights into what is visible from the bench and receive practical guidance on ways in which you can enhance, rather than undermine, your case.
  • Refresh your understanding of important matters such as appropriate communication with and respect for the courts and their staff, punctuality, managing clients and witnesses in the courtroom including seating and attire, the attitude to counsel working on other files when in court.
  • Obtain a precise understanding of the appropriate response in circumstances of frustration, stress or disagreement during a hearing.
  • Get a clear vision of what is expected from you when involved in remote hearings

Presenter Details

The Honourable Justice Downs
Her Honour Judge Skellern
Chair: David Jones KC

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
