ADLS/SCA (NZ) Unit Titles/Bodies Corporate Half-Day Conference 2022 (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on 8 September 2022.

The ADLS/SCA (NZ) Half-Day Unit Titles/Bodies Corporate Conference is back after a Covid-related hiatus in 2021!

With this On Demand you will hear from a range of experienced, engaging presenters and panellists on key topics including intensification, case law, wellness, and the Unit Titles (Strengthening Body Corporate Governance and Other Matters) Amendment Act.


Housing Intensification – Consequences for Unit Titles
Changes to the Resource Management Act 1991 and the National Policy Statement on Urban Development will enable greater levels of residential intensification in urban areas in all main centres in NZ. This presentation will consider the potential consequences of housing intensification for existing bodies corporate in terms of the opportunities and issues that may arise.
Vicki Toan, Partner, Glaister Ennor
Paula Beaton
, General Manager, Body Corporate Administration Ltd

Case Law Update and Review
New case law on unit title issues continues to emerge at pace. This session will provide an overview of key recent cases and what they mean in practice.
Thomas Gibbons, Principal, Thomas Gibbons Law

Wellness, Resilience and Bullying: Tips for Survival in Unpredictable Times
The Times They Are A-Changin'. The Bob Dylan song is timeless and is as relevant today as was in 1964. The pandemic has created its own revolution of change, some for good. However, the impact of the uncertainty and fear has taken on a toll on our own and our clients’ mental health. This session will discuss how to survive and thrive in today’s crazy world.
Julie McLean, Senior Strata Consultant, Ace Body Corporate Consulting ̶ PICA Organisation
Bryan Easton
, Partner, Grimshaw & Co

Strengthening and Clarifying Governance – Committees and the New Governance Regime
The Amendment Act has clarified some governance questions and provided a Code of Conduct for Committee Members in making decisions for the Body Corporate under Delegation. Conflicts of Interest are now specifically defined. This should see governance improved and is not so heavy-handed as to deter owners from being elected to Committees.
Joanna Pidgeon, Director, Pidgeon Judd

Unit Titles Amendment Act – What Body Corporate Managers Need to Know
The changes ahead have a substantial impact on Body Corporate Managers, from their own regulation, to their business operations, to supporting Bodies Corporate and Committees through new governance regimes. This session will have Managers well prepared for the future.
Liza Fry-Irvine, Director, Liza Fry-Irvine Law

New Unit Titles Disclosure Requirements – An Update
A summary of the new disclosure regime under the Unit Titles Amendment Act 2022 and practical application for buyers, sellers and Body Corporate Managers
Christine Cechova, Senior Associate, AlexanderDorrington Lawyers
Ben Thomson
, Senior Associate, Pidgeon Judd

Panel Discussion, with an Amendment Act focus
Led by Chair Thomas Gibbons: Joanna Pidgeon, Liza Fry-Irvine, Christine Cechova, Paula Beaton and Tim Jones

Who Should Attend?

All lawyers and legal executives practising in the area of property law, Body Corporate Managers, Administrators and Suppliers.

Learning Outcomes

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
