Fairness in the Consumer and Commercial Sphere: An Update (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on 9 November 2020.

In recent times, we have heard a lot about being kind. In relation to consumer and commercial law, fairness may be kindness' cousin. How does this translate to the consumer and commercial sphere?

In this On Demand, the presenters provide an update and refresher on key areas which affect or will affect some consumer and commercial relationships, such as fair trading, (un)fair contract terms, and (un)conscionability.

Who should view?

Commercial lawyers, and general practitioners who do some commercial work.

Learning Outcomes

  • In respect of fair trading, receive an update on recent case law. 
  • In respect of unfair contract terms and unconscionability, become familiar with the proposed legislation and become updated on recent case law.
  • Gain insights into the current areas of focus for the Commerce Commission.

Presenter Details

Tania Goatley
Anne Callinan
Dot Benson
Steve Dukeson

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
