Bully or Client - Where is the Line? (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on Thursday 18 February 2021.

There has been considerable recent focus on bullying in the workplace, bullying between professionals and bullying from the bench. But what happens when the unreasonable conduct is being driven by the client? What are our obligations as employers, and what are our rights in respect of our employees’ and our own engagement with these clients? Do the new Conduct and Client Care Rules provide a solution to these issues?

This On Demand covers lawyers’ legal and ethical obligations in this context, and the best way forward to establish a sustainable legal practice with enduring client relationships.

Who should view?

Lawyers of all levels of experience and practice areas who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the topic and associated options.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand employers’ obligations when clients engage in bullying or unreasonable behaviour towards their employees.
  • Learn to identify when client behaviour amounts to bullying (and when it does not).
  • Gain insights into proposed changes to the Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008 to address unreasonable client behaviour alongside other matters.
  • Enhance understanding of how to build a sustainable legal practice with enduring client relationships.

Presenter Details

Janine Stewart
Gillian Service
Katie Karpik
Dennis Jenkin

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
