Estate and Family Feuds (On Demand)


Perspectives, insights, and tips in mediation

With the delay in getting to a hearing for family and estate disputes, and the financial and personal costs involved in the process, the attraction of resolving matters at mediation has grown. But could you be better prepared for mediation? Could your clients be better prepared? What does a ‘dream mediation’ look like? 

Experienced mediators and counsel Margaret Casey KC, Vivienne Crawshaw KC and Alissa Bell will share their reflections, insights and tips in respect of these and many other mediation-related questions. 

Who Should Attend? 

Family and estate litigators, at junior to intermediate level. 

Learning Outcomes

In respect of mediation for family and estate cases:

  • Refresh your knowledge of the situations in which mediation might be used, and the special considerations that might apply to particular situations. 
  • Explore the role of pre-mediation conferences. 
  • Gain a better appreciation of the necessity of thorough and effective preparation.  
  • Increase your understanding of the role of the mediator. 
  • Gain a better appreciation of the risks and benefits of support people. 
  • Delve into how mediator and counsel behaviour, such as tone of voice and emotional regulation, can affect the mood of the room and the chances of resolution. 
  • Garner tips for the mediation itself, including how to engage a mediation (rather than court) approach, how to maintain momentum and how to adapt a pre-prepared settlement document. 
  • Learn about what happens, and what to do, when things go wrong – such as a breach of confidentiality.  

Presenter Details

Margaret Casey KC, Mills Lane Chambers
Vivienne Crawshaw KC, Hobson Chambers

Chair: Alissa Bell, Partner, McVeagh Fleming 

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
