Workplace Health & Safety Case Law Update (On Demand)


This On Demand was recorded on 25 October 2022.

Get up to speed with recent and key workplace health and safety case law. This On Demand will summarise recent noteworthy cases and current trends as it covers pre-trial applications, defended hearings and penalties.

Cases to be covered:

Pre-trial applications - dismissal and amending changes

  • WorkSafe v National Emergency Management Agency [2022] NZDC 8020
  • Southern Pallet Recycling Limited v WorkSafe [2022] NZHC 1042
  • WorkSafe v Coastwide Flooring Limited [2021] NZDC 1851

Defended hearings – winners and losers:

  • WorkSafe v Wealleans Bay of Plenty Limited [2022] NZDC 9826
  • WorkSafe v Blackadder [2021] NZDC 24075
  • WorkSafe v Waste Management NZ Ltd [2021] NZDC 12388 and [2021] NZHC 3444
  • Maritime New Zealand v ISO Limited [2022] NZDC 7619


   Reparation for emotional harm and consequential loss:

  • Ocean Fisheries Ocean Fisheries v Maritime New Zealand [2021] NZHC 2083​
  • McKee v WorkSafe [2020] NZHC 1002

   Fines - trends:

  • WorkSafe v Pest Control Research Limited Partnership [2021] NZDC 15385
  • WorkSafe v Prestige Adventure Ltd [2021] NZDC 23484
  • WorkSafe v Alto Packaging [2022] NZDC 6148
  • WorkSafe v Waste Management NZ Ltd [2022] NZDC 10178


  • WorkSafe v Mount Somers Sand [2022] NZDC 16270
  • WorkSafe v Pest Control Research Limited Partnership [2021] NZDC 15385

Who Should Attend?

All practitioners dealing with workplace health and safety law.

Learning Outcomes

Become updated on recent and key workplace health and safety case law, specifically noteworthy cases and trends, in respect of:

  • pre-trial applications; 
  • defended hearings; and penalties.
Benefit from the opportunity to pose questions to, and receive answers to, practitioners well-versed in this area of law.

Presenter Details

Joseph Lill
Grant Nicholson
Angus Everett

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
