Plain English for Lawyers (On Demand)


The ability to communicate clearly, succinctly and accurately is a core skill of any legal practitioner. Recent legislative developments also require the use of plain English, with a drive towards contractual transparency. Now, more than ever, lawyers need to understand what plain English is and how to write it.

This On Demand distills some key principles of plain English into a digestible one-hour session, complete with examples and exercises, which you can complete in your own time. You will acquire some useful strategies to improve your writing.

Who should View?

All lawyers who wish to enhance or refresh their writing style.

Feedback from the live event

"This was an excellent presentation. The simple suggestions will be very useful."

"This was a useful session. It contained many practical reminders for me (and I consider myself an 'old hand')."

"I have been attending seminars for twenty years. I find the one hour webinars to be the best format. They are long enough to be informative, but not so long that my attention wanders. Participating in my office is also brilliant."

Learning Outcomes

Enhance your written style with KISSS: Keep It Short, Simple, Straightforward.

Learn what common grammatical errors can undermine your message.

Become familiar with a range of words and phrases better avoided.

Presenter Details

Dr Bronwen Innes, Linguist, Plain Language Consultant, Expert Witness, Editor

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
