Charities: The Tide of Change (On Demand)


Charities have been subjected to several changes in recent years: Trusts Act 2019; the Tax Working Group recommendations; the External Reporting Board's post-implementation review of tiers 3 and 4 and the extension of service performance reporting to tiers 1 and 2; the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 with draft regulations pending; and a number of IRD consultation, including on the business income exemption.

With more than 28,000 registered charities in New Zealand, the Charities Amendment Bill will have a far-reaching impact on the not-for-profit sector. 

The Bill proposes changes that include reduced financial reporting for small charities, improved transparency in reporting of funds for larger charities, and a new process for appeals on rulings against charities.

It is, however, also proposed in the Bill that the Board will have power to disqualify an officer for 'serious wrongdoing' or a significant or persistent breach of obligations.  This webinar, led by a member of the Core Reference Group for the review of the Charities Act, will explore the prospective changes and issues arising.

Registrants are invited to submit questions in advance, to

Who Should Attend?

All legal professionals who advise, or may have cause to advise, charitable entities; or who personally have responsibilities within them. Accountants would also benefit from attending.

Learning Outcomes

In respect of charities law:

  • Gain a greater awareness of the background to much of the legislative and regulatory change.
  • Benefit from insights into the key influences at play for those currently involved with, or advising, charities.
  • Become better informed of the likely further changes on the horizon and the challenges they may pose.

Presenter Details

Sue Barker

Chair: Ian Jespersen

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
