Update on Torts (On Demand)


This webinar was originally recorded on 5 December 2023.

As always, new and interesting decisions in the field of torts continue to appear, and the pace of change certainly shows no signs of abating. The webinar will cover a number of recent and significant developments in New Zealand and in the wider common law world which explore the imposition of (or refusal to impose) a liability in tort.

Who Should View?

Litigators (civil, commercial and employment), general practitioners and anyone with an interest in the subject. 

Learning Outcomes

The aim of the webinar is to refresh and update your knowledge of the developing law. The topics that will be covered include (although are not limited to): 

  • The implications of recent decisions concerning the so-called ‘birth torts’. 
  • Visual intrusion into property as constituting a nuisance. 
  • The ambit of the close connection test in determining whether a person is vicariously liable for the conduct of another. 
  • The duty of care owed by banks to customers. 
  • Claims for mental injury suffered by secondary victims of accidents. 
  • Accessory liability in tort and its application in determining the liability of directors of companies. 
  • Contribution between tortfeasors and the application of limitation legislation. 

Presenter Details

Professor Stephen Todd, Professor of Law, University of Canterbury 

Pricing Details

CPD Hours
