Alan Gluestein


Alan joined specialist family law chambers, Wyndham Chambers in 2002, having practised as a sole practitioner in Parnell for many years as a general practitioner but with a focus on family law and in particular child law and elder law.

Alan has had a particular interest in proceedings under the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 and has regularly been appointed as lawyer for the subject person and lawyer to assist the court from the time the Act came into force in 1989.

Alan has had extensive experience in representing parties to proceedings under the Act including applicants, family members, managers, and welfare guardians.  He has prepared many papers relating to proceedings under the Act and has presented at many seminars and workshops.  

Alan has had a particular interest in the role of lawyers appointed by the court to represent persons subject to the Act.

He is passionate about this area of the law and is still learning.
