Her Honour Judge Pidwell


Her Honour Judge Pidwell practised in litigation following admission to the Bar in 1992, with a strong focus on criminal and family law. In 2004 she joined the independent Bar concentrating on family law, where she regularly acted as lawyer for the child and counsel to assist the Court as well as taking private referrals.

From 2009 to 2011, her Honour she was a prosecuting trial attorney for the UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague. She then acted as a consultant to a Tauranga law firm practising solely in family law. She also taught advocacy at Waikato University, and the Institute of Professional Legal Studies.

Her Honour was sworn in on 25 July 2014 in Tauranga, and was resident judge in Waitakere until 2022. She now sits at the Auckland District Court, and presides in both the family and criminal jurisdictions.
