Evidence Law Update for Civil and Criminal Lawyers (On Demand)


Whether you are a civil or criminal law practitioner, it is important to keep up-to-date on developments in the law of evidence. Presented by evidence law lecturers and two of the co-authors of Mahoney on Evidence: Act & Analysis (Thomson Reuters, 2018).

The 2-hour session focuses on the current application of key sections of the Evidence Act 2006 in both the civil and criminal law jurisdictions. It covers recent developments in evidence law of interest to all practitioners. Topics covered varied at the discretion of the presenters, but can include: 

(a) expert opinion evidence; 
(b) claims of privilege/ confidentiality;
(c) previous consistent statements;
(d) hearsay/ business records;
(e) defendant’s statements and improperly obtained evidence;
(f) eligibility and compellability of witnesses;
(g) relevance/ unfair prejudice/ propensity evidence;
(h) modes of presenting evidence/ communication assistance;
(i) presenting further evidence after closing a case. 

Attendees also receive detailed PowerPoint slides. 

Who should watch?

All civil and criminal law practitioners who appear in court. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Update your knowledge of key provisions of the Evidence Act 2006 and recent evidence case law from the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. 
  • Learn about recent and potential legislative changes to the Evidence Act 2006. 
  • Gain practical and useful insights into the application of evidence law in civil and criminal proceedings. 

Presenter Details

Scott Optican, Associate Professor, University of Auckland
Jack Oliver-Hood, Barrister/Lecturer (AUT Law School)

Pricing Details

CPD Hours


