Civil Litigation Series (On Demand)


Embark on a journey through the core of legal practice with our specially designed five-part webinar series on Civil Litigation. Each session, thoughtfully crafted as a strategic stepping stone, delves deep into the complexities of this ever-evolving field. Explore everything from the art of drafting precise pleadings to the tactical aspects of judgment enforcement post-sentencing.

Drafting Pleadings: Principles and practice - On Demand

Discovery and Interrogatories: Strategic developments and approaches - On Demand

A Guide to Crafting Written Evidence - On Demand

The Middle Stages - Close of pleadings to trial - On Demand

The Art of Enforcing Judgments - On Demand

Purchase all five sessions and enjoy a special discounted price of $685 for Members or $965 for Non-Members. 

Presenter Details

Drafting Pleadings: Principles and Practice

Martin Smith, Partner, Gilbert Walker
Garry Williams, Barrister, Richmond Chambers

Discovery and Interrogatories

Peter Wright, Barrister, Shortland Chambers
Desley Horton, Barrister, Shortland Chambers

A Guide to Crafting Written Evidence

Bridgette White, Barrister, Bankside Chamber
Joanna Trezise, Senior Associate, Russell McVeagh

The Middle Stages – Close of Pleadings to Trial

Linda Hui, Senior Associate, McElroys
Sean McAnally, Barrister, FortyEight Shortland Barristers

The Art of Enforcing Judgments

Kevin Glover, Barrister, Shortland Chambers
Toby Braun, Director, BBL Lawyers

Pricing Details
