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Materials comprised of a Paper and PowerPoint Handout. 


Kevin Glover, Barrister, Shortland Chambers

Toby Braun, Director, BBL Lawyers


The Judge accepts your client’s evidence and arguments, and enters judgment on the claim. 

Hooray! But now what? 

These materials examine how formal judgments are obtained and enforced, including different types of judgments, fixing costs, interest, sealing the judgment and the various options to help with enforcement of orders of the High Court and District Court as well as other courts and tribunals. It will also give some pointers for steps which you can take during the course of the proceeding to strengthen your client’s position post-judgment.

These Materials will help you:

  • Develop your knowledge of the various options for enforcement, including alternatives to bankruptcy/liquidation proceedings and practical discussion of worked examples.
  • Refresh your knowledge of the different types of judgment, how to enter judgment by default and applications to set aside.
  • Hear practical tips in relation to steps such as sealing orders.
  • Update your understanding about costs and interest.
  • Improve your effectiveness in advising clients on enforcement and related matters.

Intended Audience:

Litigators up to intermediate level and those more senior seeking a refresher. General practitioners who do some litigation work will also benefit from attending.  

Filed under

  • Books
  • CPD Papers

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